Loyalty Loan

Personal Loans

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    Need a Small Loan? Our Loyalty Loan May Be The Right Choice For You.

    The Loyalty Loan is an unsecured loan up to $2,500 that is available for Spring Bank customers who have had active accounts for at least 12 months. When an opportunity comes around or an emergency arises, this loan can help. There is a minimum credit score requirement of 620. Each month, we report your payments to the credit bureaus which can help you establish a good credit history and boost your credit score.

    Loans with Benefits

    All our personal loan accounts come with incredible benefits and services:

    Explore Other Loan Products

    Schedule an Appointment

    Ready to grow with us? Come in and talk to one of our account managers to see how we can help. You can open a checking account, apply for a loan, open an IRA account and much more. Use the form below to schedule an appointment:

      Have any questions? Stop by a branch or call us at (718) 879-5000.